Could have had an adventure on Malastare where the winner gets an audience with XYZ person (much like KOTOR actually) and Anakin enters into the tournament incognito. So many seasons of incredible adventures and Anakin never had to use his pod racing skills.
It was supposed to be a great and vastly popular sport, no? What happened? Why did no other media develop anything that involved podracing? It's scarcely mentioned in novels, never again (to my knowledge) in games, to the point of inventing swoop racing for KOTOR but not pod racing.Īnd the Clone Wars? Oh my god, talk about a missed opportunity. But that's it, other than that one game, we've almost never seen pod racing again. I was 9-10 years old when Ep1 came out but on rewatches, I still feel the same way. Showcased a lot of cool CGI tech and was very exciting, keeping you at the edge of your seat.
Can we talk about pod racing in general? Was it critically panned or something? I thought it was an incredible spectacle.